Saturday, March 6, 2010


Seems like a lot of things are changing. Thankfully the season is one of them, though, today is really the first warm day in months and months and I may be jinxing this change by acknowledging it...oh well.

The second thing to change is the date of my spring art show. The new date is May 16th because that is the next available Sunday. So, there it is, tell your friends. I am having trouble with the giant (50" X 50") drawings I was talking about. The main problem is...starting them. I just keep staring at those big blank sheets of expensive paper and I'm afraid to put ink to them. Every time I unfurl them I stare for awhile, fall into the white abyss, panic, and roll em' back up. I'm going to try to just dive in on Monday because I've got this fun idea of hundreds of people connected by a "unibrow." Anyway, all the smaller drawing are coming along nicely and I really like them. Just have to get T to frame them up...which is hard because we can't stain the frames until a nice day comes along because it's an outdoor hopefully this weather holds.

Third thing changing is my triathlon this summer. I opened my email today and they've announced that the CSG's are in JUNE this year because of all the Special Olympics events in July. The date is Sunday June 20th now, which poses a few problems for me. 1. It's father's day and going to the lake would probably kill me after a tri... and 2. the following week is "thespian week" downtown...a week in which I can not afford to be tired, for my job's sake and my sanity's sake and finally 3. since I've been sick for a month my training is already off and it's a whole month of brick-training lost...ugh. Enough whining, we all know I'm still going to do it, it was way too much fun last year and I'd be mad at myself if I didn't...I'm just all nervous about it again. Wish me luck.

Two exciting things come with spring: gardening and tennis. I am starting seeds indoors and will hopefully get some pictures of that (any tips on seed-starting are appreciated, especially the "hardening off" of the baby plants), and I'm taking more tennis lessons through SCC April-May. Hooray!

I am sorry there are no pictures to accompany this post...along with a new bike, new running shoes, and a new tennis racquet, I'd like to buy a digital camera. How to finance all that!? art show May 16. It would make my blog much more interesting if people bought all my silly hair-people art...

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